Monday, February 28, 2011

It's In The Cards

In my first post, I mentioned that, in addition to quilting and working with fabrics, I enjoy stamping cards to share with friends and family.  The designs and embellishments of cardmaking mimic the designs of quilt blocks in several ways.  Of course, one wants to make sure the colors and patterns are appealing and blend with each other to form a "work of art" -- be it in fabrics or papercrafts. 

In addition, my philosophy in cardmaking (and in quilting) is that there are no mistakes...only opportunities for new creativity and embellishments!  Many times have I made a "mistake" in stamping or sewing which turned into a wonderful new design!  It's really freeing to realize that creativity is very personal in nature -- which, of course, provides opportunities to "make it up as you go."

Here are a few of my recent cards, most of which are now on their way to my friends in Arkansas:

Once again, let me encourage you to find some way to be creative and then share your talents with those around you.  You're sure to get a hug and a smile when you do!!

Til next time...

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