This time of year the daffodils and dogwoods begin to bloom, dotting the grayness of late winter with brilliant color. The earth stirs from its winter slumber and new life is evident in the plant world as well as in the animal kingdom. Just the other day I noticed a pasture with baby calves leaping around and enjoying the beautiful sunlit day.
My mind turns back a few years -- three to be exact -- when my late husband and I spent a whole day looking for bluebonnets in Texas. We found the purplish blue flowers in fields that stretched as far as the eye could see. A truly amazing and spectacular sight indeed! I am very thankful for that spring day because of the memories we made looking at the Creator's handiwork.
But this year there is another stirring in my heart as the Lenten season progresses toward the Cross. There has been a renewing within that has been for several years buried in a deep "widow's fog." The renewing has come through scripture, through events, through devotionals and through self-examination. God has impressed on me that clinging to the past -- the way things once were -- is not His way of doing things. God is always pushing us forward -- toward eternity.
Does that mean we are to forget the past and our loved ones who once existed in this life? No. Their memories are to be treasured because they are precious and because they are part of who we are. Yet to make the past an object of worship is impeding forward progress.
Therefore, it's time for me to unload the baggage, quit holding on to things past, empty the closets and cupboards of unnecessary ideas and objects, and get back to living life to the fullest -- which, for me, means living the way God directs me to -- always giving Him praise and honor in everything I do. There is no other way I want to live -- simply for God!
Quilting Frame of Mind
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Where Does the Time Go?
My life in the past few years has taken me on an unplanned, and in many ways unwanted, journey.
Here's just a brief synopsis of my life since 2011:
Here's just a brief synopsis of my life since 2011:
- Started a new job in Texas in 2011
- Was at the birth of my granddaughter in January 2012
- Found out that my husband had pancreatic cancer in March 2012
- My daughter-in-law suffered a major stroke in April 2012 and was then diagnosed with Stage 4 choriocarcinoma in May 2012 (She has recovered, thank God!)
- My mother-in-law suffered a major stroke in June 2013
- My husband passed away in July 2013
- I moved to a different state and bought a house in September 2013
- Started another new job in January 2014 at a local church
- The church was all but demolished in a tornado in April 2014 and I had to work out of my home for several months.
- My mother-in-law passed away in January 2015
- Two of my sons who lived close to me moved in 2015 and early 2016
No wonder I'm tired!!
The only thing that "got me through" these past few tumultuous years is the never-ending love, comfort and provision of God. He has picked me up when I was down, toted me when I couldn't take another step, comforted me gently, guided me in making the right decisions and provided in ways that I had never even imagined. All thanks and praise go to Him!
As my life begins to settle into a somewhat normal routine, my intentions are to get back into sewing, quilting and crafting that I simply until now had no energy to do. And, of course, to start blogging again.
Here's to a calmer life!
Friday, December 16, 2011
It's Been A Long Time!
Wow! I didn't realize that I hadn't posted to my blog since June! My life got a little busy during the summer and hasn't slowed down since...
In the early summer, we learned that we would be grandparents again -- and SHE's due to be born in January. After three sons and one grandson, it was a surprise to find out that we're finally getting a little girl. Needless to say, I've been buying pink ever since!!
Then, unexpectedly, I went back to work part-time in August -- so, obviously, my schedules and projects had to be rearranged. In addition to that, I was trying to finish three queen-size quilts, one for each of our children, before Christmas. There's been very little "down" time in a very long time.
Here are my finished quilts:
In the early summer, we learned that we would be grandparents again -- and SHE's due to be born in January. After three sons and one grandson, it was a surprise to find out that we're finally getting a little girl. Needless to say, I've been buying pink ever since!!
Then, unexpectedly, I went back to work part-time in August -- so, obviously, my schedules and projects had to be rearranged. In addition to that, I was trying to finish three queen-size quilts, one for each of our children, before Christmas. There's been very little "down" time in a very long time.
Here are my finished quilts:
This batik quilt is called Labyrinth. I added the chain borders (top and bottom) for a little added interest.
The purple cross in the middle was copied from the stained glass cross in the sanctuary of our church. The blocks immediately around the cross are "Wings of Eagles" and the outer blocks are "Irish Plaid."
The last quilt is a t-shirt quilt made for our youngest son. I used the smaller images from the shirts for the top and bottom borders.
All three quilts were quilted by my friend, Millie, who always does a fantastic job!!
Next on tap are quilts for our two grandchildren and one for my mom. Maybe it won't take til next Christmas before I get them done!!
Merry Christmas, one and all!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
I have finally finished the String-X Quilt that I've been working on for quite a little spell now. This quilt was made for our mission project and will either go to an orphanage in Cambodia or Uganda.
I decided on this design after I found the tutorial for the String-X quilt at Quiltville Custom Quilting. For the foundation pieces, I used old phonebook pages. They're thinner than regular paper and tear off easily. The pages were cut to 4-1/2" x 10-1/2".
Then the fun began as I sorted through my scraps and began sewing them to the foundation pieces.
Fabric pieces are placed right sides together...
...and stitched onto the foundation.
Continue adding scraps until the entire piece of paper is covered. The fun part is that you don't have to measure or cut each piece to a specific size! Just use what you have and trim to fit.
The next step is to trim the fabric down to 4-1/2" by 10-1/2".
Then, from a piece of scrap paper, cut a 2-1/4" square. Cut this on the diagonal from corner to corner giving you two triangles. Tape one of these triangles to the underside of your ruler. This is your corner trimming guide!
Carefully tear away the paper foundation from the back of your blocks. Then following the instructions found in the tutorial, add triangles to each side of your pieced strip to form a square. Be sure to square each of these small blocks to a uniform size. I squared these to 7-1/4".
Then, sew four of these units together to form a block.
Here's the finished project -- a quilt of many colors:
I decided on this design after I found the tutorial for the String-X quilt at Quiltville Custom Quilting. For the foundation pieces, I used old phonebook pages. They're thinner than regular paper and tear off easily. The pages were cut to 4-1/2" x 10-1/2".
Then the fun began as I sorted through my scraps and began sewing them to the foundation pieces.
Fabric pieces are placed right sides together...
...and stitched onto the foundation.
Continue adding scraps until the entire piece of paper is covered. The fun part is that you don't have to measure or cut each piece to a specific size! Just use what you have and trim to fit.
The next step is to trim the fabric down to 4-1/2" by 10-1/2".
Then, from a piece of scrap paper, cut a 2-1/4" square. Cut this on the diagonal from corner to corner giving you two triangles. Tape one of these triangles to the underside of your ruler. This is your corner trimming guide!
Carefully tear away the paper foundation from the back of your blocks. Then following the instructions found in the tutorial, add triangles to each side of your pieced strip to form a square. Be sure to square each of these small blocks to a uniform size. I squared these to 7-1/4".
Then, sew four of these units together to form a block.
Here's the finished project -- a quilt of many colors:
I hope and pray that the child who receives this quilt will somehow know that he/she is loved!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
When Life Throws You Scraps...
Life has been a bit hectic around here lately and this is the first time I've been able to sit down to update my blog!! "They" say that the older you get, the faster the time flies by...well, I'm living proof of that!!
Anyway, the following is from a blog by Tonya where she talks about the quilts our group at church makes. Our mission is to make quilts to send to a pregnancy help center, an orphanage in Cambodia and now this orphanage in Uganda. The photos are of the quilts that Tonya will take to Uganda in June of this year.
It's so humbling to realize that the bits and pieces of scraps can make an impact on people on the other side of the world. Just as we have lovingly pieced together bits of fabric and fashioned useful and beautiful quilts for these children, our Father is lovingly piecing our lives together using the scraps and tangled threads of our own lives and making a unique tapestry of His handiwork for His glory and purpose. I love that God is the Master Craftsman!!
Now, from Tonya's blog:
When life throws you scraps, make a quilt.

Every day packages arrive at my door, it’s reminiscent of the feeling that Christmas is coming. We know we are on the cusp of a great event, one that will change lives, bring people close to the heart of God and change directions in life paths. The gifts arriving are from the sponsors for the children at the orphanage. We also have several classrooms at church collecting vitamins and art supplies for the children. The pile in my garage is growing into quite a mound. It’s a good thing we have eighteen tickets to transport all of this stuff as baggage on the plane.
It fills me with great joy to see the response from so many people who love these children and want to encourage them to become everything they can be. Knowing so many are praying for the children and extending help gives me hope and assures me that with God leading the way nothing is impossible.
Six years ago when our family took its first mission trip to an orphanage in the Dominican Republic we experienced a similar phenomenon. We decided we needed to spend spring break serving others so we signed up to go to the Dominican Republic and live at an orphanage for a week playing with the kids. We were new in our adult bible study class at Scottsdale Bible Church and didn’t really know anyone but we shared that we needed prayer because we were going to an orphanage for the break. They asked if the orphans needed anything, and I said, “well I’m sure they do! Anything you would like to bring, drop it by my door.” The week before we left on our trip every morning our front door was piled with new toys, dental care supplies, clothes, blankets and food. It was unbelievable. When we packed everything up it totaled exactly the amount of weight we were able to bring with us. Only God can make those sorts of arrangements. Experiencing that caused me to float knowing how great our God is, and how much he loves the children everywhere on this earth.
Yesterday I got a note from our mission’s office at church that there were some beautiful quilts waiting for me to pick up. A group of quilters meets one Monday a month and makes quilts for the crisis pregnancy center and for other groups such as our kids at the orphanage! Whitney brought home a dozen handmade quilts and when I saw them I couldn’t get over the beauty. A part of me deflated knowing how dirty it is at the children’s home in Uganda. I couldn’t bear for these things of beauty to become so filthy and ragged. So I had an idea, we can cover the walls of their dark ugly room with these blankets so they can feel like it is home. Someday when we build the new orphanage they can hang on the walls there and remind every child who passes through there that they are loved from far and wide.
A quilt is a great symbol of our family of children at the orphanage. Little bits and pieces can combine to make a stunning masterpiece. Yes, these quilts are the first artwork donated to the children in Uganda! I hope when they touch the colorful fabrics and observe the small stitches they will think of how many people all over this world love them, care about them, and pray for their future to become all they dream it can be.

Anyway, the following is from a blog by Tonya where she talks about the quilts our group at church makes. Our mission is to make quilts to send to a pregnancy help center, an orphanage in Cambodia and now this orphanage in Uganda. The photos are of the quilts that Tonya will take to Uganda in June of this year.
It's so humbling to realize that the bits and pieces of scraps can make an impact on people on the other side of the world. Just as we have lovingly pieced together bits of fabric and fashioned useful and beautiful quilts for these children, our Father is lovingly piecing our lives together using the scraps and tangled threads of our own lives and making a unique tapestry of His handiwork for His glory and purpose. I love that God is the Master Craftsman!!
Now, from Tonya's blog:
When life throws you scraps, make a quilt.

Every day packages arrive at my door, it’s reminiscent of the feeling that Christmas is coming. We know we are on the cusp of a great event, one that will change lives, bring people close to the heart of God and change directions in life paths. The gifts arriving are from the sponsors for the children at the orphanage. We also have several classrooms at church collecting vitamins and art supplies for the children. The pile in my garage is growing into quite a mound. It’s a good thing we have eighteen tickets to transport all of this stuff as baggage on the plane.

It fills me with great joy to see the response from so many people who love these children and want to encourage them to become everything they can be. Knowing so many are praying for the children and extending help gives me hope and assures me that with God leading the way nothing is impossible.
Six years ago when our family took its first mission trip to an orphanage in the Dominican Republic we experienced a similar phenomenon. We decided we needed to spend spring break serving others so we signed up to go to the Dominican Republic and live at an orphanage for a week playing with the kids. We were new in our adult bible study class at Scottsdale Bible Church and didn’t really know anyone but we shared that we needed prayer because we were going to an orphanage for the break. They asked if the orphans needed anything, and I said, “well I’m sure they do! Anything you would like to bring, drop it by my door.” The week before we left on our trip every morning our front door was piled with new toys, dental care supplies, clothes, blankets and food. It was unbelievable. When we packed everything up it totaled exactly the amount of weight we were able to bring with us. Only God can make those sorts of arrangements. Experiencing that caused me to float knowing how great our God is, and how much he loves the children everywhere on this earth.

Yesterday I got a note from our mission’s office at church that there were some beautiful quilts waiting for me to pick up. A group of quilters meets one Monday a month and makes quilts for the crisis pregnancy center and for other groups such as our kids at the orphanage! Whitney brought home a dozen handmade quilts and when I saw them I couldn’t get over the beauty. A part of me deflated knowing how dirty it is at the children’s home in Uganda. I couldn’t bear for these things of beauty to become so filthy and ragged. So I had an idea, we can cover the walls of their dark ugly room with these blankets so they can feel like it is home. Someday when we build the new orphanage they can hang on the walls there and remind every child who passes through there that they are loved from far and wide.

A quilt is a great symbol of our family of children at the orphanage. Little bits and pieces can combine to make a stunning masterpiece. Yes, these quilts are the first artwork donated to the children in Uganda! I hope when they touch the colorful fabrics and observe the small stitches they will think of how many people all over this world love them, care about them, and pray for their future to become all they dream it can be.

Families are like quilts stitched together one piece at a time.May your sorrows be patched and your joys be's a good thing I'm so packed tight with things to do or I would probably go shopping for fabric and start a quilt's a good thing I'm so packed tight with things to do or I would probably go shopping for fabric and start a quilt today. May your sorrows be patched and your joys be quilted.Families are like quilts stitched together one piece at a time.

Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday Giveaway Alert!
Leona is having an awesome giveaway at Leona's Quilting Adventure! One lucky winner will win one adorable and portable, Go! Baby Fabric Cutter, with a choice of three dies!! How much more fun can it get?!! This giveaway will end on Saturday, May 21, 2011, at midnight Eastern Standard Time. Winners will be announced Sunday, May 22, 2011!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
More Quilted Cards
I finished the quilted cards for Kathleen today and rushed them to the post office! Kathleen developed the log cabin stamp that I used for the pattern. The pattern is stamped onto used fabric sheets and then hand stitched using scraps of fabric. I used my square Nestabilies die and my Cuttlebug to cut the windows in the cardstock and then backed each with a coordinating piece of cardstock to cover the back of the block. The sentiments are stamps from PaperTrey Ink.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Accuquilt GO! Baby Giveaway!!
Accuquilt is giving one of the Sew Dang Cute readers a GO! Baby Fabric Cutter as well as 3 dies of your choice!!!! Giveaway will close Saturday, May 7th @ 8 pm MST.
Look What Came In the Mail!
Look what came in the mail today from Intrepid Threads' giveaway!!
Thanks so much!!! I can't wait to turn this into something spectacular!!!
Thanks so much!!! I can't wait to turn this into something spectacular!!!
Monday Giveaway Alert!!
Hop on over to Kool Beenz and see what Cotton Blossom is giving away! Cotton Blossom Farm is giving away a 10 pc Half Yd bundle set of Amy Butler's Soul Blossoms! Beautiful fabric!!!
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