Anyway, the following is from a blog by Tonya where she talks about the quilts our group at church makes. Our mission is to make quilts to send to a pregnancy help center, an orphanage in Cambodia and now this orphanage in Uganda. The photos are of the quilts that Tonya will take to Uganda in June of this year.
It's so humbling to realize that the bits and pieces of scraps can make an impact on people on the other side of the world. Just as we have lovingly pieced together bits of fabric and fashioned useful and beautiful quilts for these children, our Father is lovingly piecing our lives together using the scraps and tangled threads of our own lives and making a unique tapestry of His handiwork for His glory and purpose. I love that God is the Master Craftsman!!
Now, from Tonya's blog:
When life throws you scraps, make a quilt.

Every day packages arrive at my door, it’s reminiscent of the feeling that Christmas is coming. We know we are on the cusp of a great event, one that will change lives, bring people close to the heart of God and change directions in life paths. The gifts arriving are from the sponsors for the children at the orphanage. We also have several classrooms at church collecting vitamins and art supplies for the children. The pile in my garage is growing into quite a mound. It’s a good thing we have eighteen tickets to transport all of this stuff as baggage on the plane.

It fills me with great joy to see the response from so many people who love these children and want to encourage them to become everything they can be. Knowing so many are praying for the children and extending help gives me hope and assures me that with God leading the way nothing is impossible.
Six years ago when our family took its first mission trip to an orphanage in the Dominican Republic we experienced a similar phenomenon. We decided we needed to spend spring break serving others so we signed up to go to the Dominican Republic and live at an orphanage for a week playing with the kids. We were new in our adult bible study class at Scottsdale Bible Church and didn’t really know anyone but we shared that we needed prayer because we were going to an orphanage for the break. They asked if the orphans needed anything, and I said, “well I’m sure they do! Anything you would like to bring, drop it by my door.” The week before we left on our trip every morning our front door was piled with new toys, dental care supplies, clothes, blankets and food. It was unbelievable. When we packed everything up it totaled exactly the amount of weight we were able to bring with us. Only God can make those sorts of arrangements. Experiencing that caused me to float knowing how great our God is, and how much he loves the children everywhere on this earth.

Yesterday I got a note from our mission’s office at church that there were some beautiful quilts waiting for me to pick up. A group of quilters meets one Monday a month and makes quilts for the crisis pregnancy center and for other groups such as our kids at the orphanage! Whitney brought home a dozen handmade quilts and when I saw them I couldn’t get over the beauty. A part of me deflated knowing how dirty it is at the children’s home in Uganda. I couldn’t bear for these things of beauty to become so filthy and ragged. So I had an idea, we can cover the walls of their dark ugly room with these blankets so they can feel like it is home. Someday when we build the new orphanage they can hang on the walls there and remind every child who passes through there that they are loved from far and wide.

A quilt is a great symbol of our family of children at the orphanage. Little bits and pieces can combine to make a stunning masterpiece. Yes, these quilts are the first artwork donated to the children in Uganda! I hope when they touch the colorful fabrics and observe the small stitches they will think of how many people all over this world love them, care about them, and pray for their future to become all they dream it can be.

Families are like quilts stitched together one piece at a time.May your sorrows be patched and your joys be's a good thing I'm so packed tight with things to do or I would probably go shopping for fabric and start a quilt's a good thing I'm so packed tight with things to do or I would probably go shopping for fabric and start a quilt today. May your sorrows be patched and your joys be quilted.Families are like quilts stitched together one piece at a time.